Since the 1970s our commitment is focused on an ambitious project: the dissemination of an enterprise model based not only on profit as an end to itself but on altruism and interest in people. A company that prospers and develops, therefore, is also a tool for spreading well-being: it’s a new ethical dimension of the enterprise that we call “social business”.
We are convinced that water isn’t ordinary merchandise from which to make profit, but an extraordinary resource to be guaranteed to everyone, as a form of respect toward those who are most in need. By significantly improving the quality of life for consumers, we create social value.
Bangladesh, Dubai, Eritrea and Yemen are only a few of the places where the arrival of water, a fact that for us is natural and taken for granted but is completely extraordinary in developing countries, has improved people's lives and stimulated the national economy.
In the course of our long experience in many countries around the world we have listened to stories of great intensity where the critical element is water, which to us Westerners seems so natural. From villages in Asia that, through irrigation, have been able to produce an extra rice harvest each year to African village chiefs for whom water is more important than milk.
In all these stories, summed up in the documentary "The Forms of Water", the strong and ever-present theme is the idea that water is the basis of every form of life. That water is life. That's why we launched the Water Project, which since its start has already led to drilling over a thousand wells able to slake the thirst of more than two million people: a real river of solidarity.